General Election 2024: Housing Market Impacts


The upcoming 2024 General Election has sparked significant debate, particularly around housing policies. As the nation grapples with a growing housing crisis, each major political party has released a detailed manifesto outlining their strategies to address these issues. This article delves into the promises made by the Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democrat parties, examining their impact on the property market and what it means for first-time buyers, renters, and homeowners.

Understanding the Current Housing Crisis

Before diving into the party manifestos, it's crucial to understand the existing housing challenges faced by Medway and the broader UK. The fallout from Liz Truss's minibudget continues to strain homeowners, with average mortgage costs rising by £4,320 annually. According to Zoopla, the average age of a first-time buyer in Medway is now 37, with a national average deposit requirement of £60,000.

In Medway, first-time buyers pay approximately £253,000 for their first property, needing an average deposit of £63,250. This translates to an income requirement of about £42,000 to afford a mortgage. Renters also face rising costs, with a 10% increase in rent over the past year, alongside a surge in no-fault evictions due to the stalled Renters Reform Bill.

Additionally, seven years post-Grenfell Tower Fire, many residents are still trapped in homes with unsafe cladding, highlighting the urgent need for effective housing reforms.

The 2024 Labour Manifesto

Promise of New Houses: 1.5 Million

Home Targets:
Labour aims to build 1.5 million new houses during the next Parliament, focusing on both urban expansion and new settlements. This equates to 300,000 new homes annually.

First-Time Buyers:
Labour plans to prioritize first-time buyers over foreign investors in new developments. They propose a new mortgage programme to facilitate smaller deposits and lower mortgage costs.

Labour promises to abolish section 21 no-fault evictions and empower tenants to contest arbitrary rent increases. The extension of Awaab's Law to the private rental market is also on their agenda.

Social Housing:
A massive expansion in social and affordable housing is pledged, alongside reforms to the Right to Buy programme and strengthened planning regulations.

Labour intends to expedite brownfield site development, increase planning officers, and update local plans while maintaining green belts and reclassifying low-quality areas for construction.

Labour aims to abolish the feudal leasehold system, ban new leasehold apartments, and address excessive ground rent and maintenance costs.

Labour commits to holding those responsible for the building safety crisis accountable for the necessary corrections.

The 2024 Conservative Manifesto

Promise of New Houses: 1.6 Million

Home Targets:
The Conservatives aim to build 1.6 million homes in the next Parliament, including 100,000 facilitated by lifting EU nutrient neutrality regulations.

First-Time Buyers:
Plans include raising the Stamp Duty threshold for first-time buyers to £425,000 and introducing a new Help to Buy programme with a 5% deposit and 20% equity loan.

They plan to complete the Renters Reform Bill, eliminating no-fault evictions while preserving landlords' rights to evict tenants for anti-social behavior.

Social Housing:
Revitalizing existing housing developments through the Affordable Homes Programme is a key focus.

Conservatives will prioritize family homes and mansion blocks in keeping with local character, expedite brownfield site planning, and maintain greenbelt protections.

Plans include capping ground rent at £250, phasing down to peppercorn rates, ending forfeiture abuses, and facilitating commonhold establishment.

Continued support for leaseholders dealing with cladding issues is promised.

The 2024 Liberal Democrat Manifesto

New Houses Promised: 380,000 Each Year

Home Targets:
The Liberal Democrats aim to deliver 380,000 new homes annually, including 150,000 social homes, through ten new garden cities and community-led developments.

First-Time Buyers:
The manifesto does not specifically mention first-time buyer initiatives.

Pledges include banning no-fault evictions, standardizing three-year rentals, creating a national landlord registry, and enforcing tenant panels and standards.

Social Housing:
Plans to abolish the Right to Buy for social housing tenants and allow Rent to Own tenants to purchase their homes outright after 30 years.

They propose banning construction on flood zones, enforcing "use-it-or-lose-it" planning licences, expanding Neighbourhood Planning, and adequately funding local planning offices.

The Liberal Democrats plan to limit ground rents and eliminate leaseholds entirely.

No charges for tenants to remove hazardous cladding are promised.

Impacts on the Housing Market

The manifestos of all three major parties indicate a strong focus on resolving housing issues through various means—be it through building new homes, protecting renters, or supporting first-time buyers. As voters evaluate these promises, the effectiveness of each party’s approach will be crucial in addressing the nation's housing challenges.


What are the main housing promises of the Labour Party for the 2024 General Election?
Labour promises to build 1.5 million new houses, prioritize first-time buyers, abolish no-fault evictions, expand social housing, reform leaseholds, and address the cladding crisis.

How do the Conservative and Labour housing targets compare?
The Conservatives aim to build 1.6 million homes, slightly more than Labour's 1.5 million. Both parties emphasize new home construction and reforms for first-time buyers and renters.

What are the key points of the Liberal Democrat housing policy?
The Liberal Democrats focus on building 380,000 new homes annually, including social housing, banning no-fault evictions, and eliminating leaseholds, with an emphasis on tenant rights and community-led developments.

How do party manifestos address first-time buyers?
Labour and Conservatives both propose programmes to ease mortgage deposits and costs for first-time buyers. The Liberal Democrat manifesto does not specifically mention first-time buyer initiatives.

What is the stance on no-fault evictions in the 2024 manifestos?
Labour and the Liberal Democrats pledge to abolish no-fault evictions, while the Conservatives aim to eliminate them while maintaining landlords' rights to evict for anti-social behavior.

What measures are proposed for the cladding crisis?
Labour promises accountability for the building safety crisis, Conservatives pledge continued support for leaseholders, and the Liberal Democrats promise no charges for tenants for cladding removal.


The 2024 General Election presents voters with distinct housing policies from each major party, aimed at addressing the pressing housing crisis in the UK. As election day approaches, the effectiveness and feasibility of these promises will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the housing market.