Transforming a Rental Property in Medway

The manner in which we assisted one of our landlords in carrying out an efficient renovation. The renter made the decision to buy a home and moved out of the rental house he had been living in for a number of years. During the inspections, we noted that the appearance of the house was beginning to become a little bit worn. Following a conversation with the landlord, we came to the conclusion that it would make the most sense to perform any necessary renovations once the property was vacant.

After the previous renter had moved out, we initiated the process of evaluating the condition of the home in order to determine what repairs were necessary. To our great good fortune, the vast majority of the floors in the living areas were not damaged. In addition to a complete painting job, the carpets need replacement as well. The bathroom desperately needed to be updated, and the worn-out appearance of the kitchen gave the impression that the space was much smaller and darker than it actually was. We are aware that replacing an entire kitchen may be a very pricey task.

We requested quotes from our contractors, and we asked them whether or not it would be possible to keep the kitchen units but to give them a new lease on life because they were all in good condition.

The quotations came in, one of which included a new kitchen and all of which came to approximately £15,000. There was another quote that suggested, rather than replacing the whole kitchen, which was in fine shape but just looked incredibly old, to repaint the kitchen units, which came in at a price that was approximately under half of the initial figure. The contractor had full faith that this new coat of paint would hold up.

Since the landlord had provided us with a budget that was lower than the 15,000 pounds, he was overjoyed when we discovered a very good solution for half the price of what he had originally estimated. Additionally, he was overjoyed with how the work turned out in the end. In addition to this, when we were talking about it, we determined that the market rent would be approximately £1,250 per month if he completed a full refurbishment and approximately £1,050 for a partial refurbishment.

Due to the high quality of the work that was completed, we were able to get the market price, which is an increase from the previous tenancy's rent of £875.

This is all a normal aspect of our work, and although we could have easily exhausted the landlord's budget, we decided against doing so since we wanted to assist the owner while also assisting the future tenants with the quality of the work. In addition, by retaining the kitchen's original layout, we were able to cut down on waste by repurposing the kitchen that was already there.

Please get in touch with us if you would want to find out if we can assist you in doing something similar.